Bishops’ Winter 2024 General Meeting concludes in Maynooth

This week, Members of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference gathered in Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth, for their Winter 2024 General Meeting.  The President of the Conference is Archbishop Eamon Martin of Armagh, and the Vice-President is Archbishop Dermot...

Televising Venerable Matt Talbot’s centenary events

Ireland’s complicated relationship with alcohol is widely known.  Latest findings from the National Research Board tell us that alcohol use in Ireland is declining but that its related harms persist and, on average, four people every day die in Ireland from alcohol...

Share your crib story on social

This year, the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference is inviting people to share their stories of the crib in their homes and workplaces.  Whether it's a simple, handmade creation or an elaborate display, the bishops encourage Catholics to photograph or film their...

Guidelines for priests pastorally responding to suicide

The current issue of Intercom magazine (December 2024/January 2025) offers guidelines to priests to support their pastoral response to suicide.  The guidelines were originally developed by the 'Working Group for Pastoral Care and Response to Families bereaved by...

Vocations’ Monstrance visits Ireland from the USA

The Monstrance blessed by Pope John Paul II on 24 November 2004, to promote Eucharistic Adoration and encourage prayers dedicated to vocations, will, over a two-week period from 15 to 29 November, journey to twelve dioceses across the island of Ireland. The...

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