1,400 pilgrims from Dublin diocese visit Lourdes

6 Sep, 2024 | Bishops, Church, News, World

The annual pilgrimage to Lourdes organised by the Archdiocese of Dublin – which first took place in 1949 – began on 5 September last.  Archbishop Dermot Farrell, Archbishop Emeritus Diarmuid Martin, Auxiliary Bishop Paul Dempsey and 1,400 volunteers and sick people participated in this five-day visit to the popular Marian Shrine in France.

Those who travelled on the five chartered aircraft were joined by others making their own way via Biarritz, Bordeaux and other nearby airports while others travelled by train from Paris.

Archbishop Farrell said: “I am excited to have led the annual Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes again this year.  I thank all those who have joined the pilgrimage and those who devoted themselves to the care of the sick and all those who are united with us in prayer throughout the Archdiocese.  I also extend my gratitude to the parish groups who have travelled to Lourdes at this time.

“Many of the sick pilgrims who have travelled, would not have the opportunity to visit Lourdes if it were not for the fantastic medical backup, care and assistance that the many volunteers offered,” the Primate of Ireland said.

The Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes takes place each year on 11 February.  On this day in 1858 Our Lady first appeared to the fourteen year old, now Saint Bernadette Soubirous, in Lourdes.  The Blessed Virgin Mary said to Bernadette, “I am the Immaculate Conception.”

The Dublin pilgrims included 97 people who are sick, 14 doctors, 38 nurses, 550 helpers, 30 priests and two deacons.  The 550 helpers included 250 young people, with 135 of those being sixth year students from 29 secondary schools around the Archdiocese.  In total for this year, 1,400 pilgrims travelled to Lourdes.

The opening Mass of the pilgrimage was celebrated by Archbishop Farrell at the Grotto in Lourdes, while the liturgies and other events were enhanced by the three Pilgrimage Music Groups.  Appropriately, the closing Mass was celebrated on the deferred feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary since 8 September fell on a Sunday this year.


CatholicNews.ie wishes to thank John McElroy for the photographs


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