Archbishop Eamon Martin launches Ireland’s digital Advent Calendar
“During Advent, let us reflect on the eternal message of Christmas, which is, Christ is alive and that He is our hope.” – Archbishop Martin
“During Advent, let us reflect on the eternal message of Christmas, which is, Christ is alive and that He is our hope.” – Archbishop Martin
Nov 22, 2021
By clicking on the virtual doors each of the days of Advent, we are inviting people to take just five minutes to find moments of peace and reflection on the meaning of Advent and Christmas amidst all the rush and busyness of life around us. - Archbishop Eamon Martin
Nov 26, 2019
Trócaire’s Christmas Gifts campaign has sold more than 945,000 gifts since 2000 amounting to a total of €38m to support families overseas affected by long-term poverty and denial of human rights.
Nov 25, 2019
The generosity of parishioners in last year’s food appeal meant that 10,000 emergency hampers were distributed to those most in need before Christmas.
Nov 26, 2018
This year’s Christmas tree and Nativity scene in Saint Peter’s Square will be inaugurated and lit up on 9 December and will highlight several issues such as care for the environment, the sick and migrants. A communique from the governing office of Vatican City said...
Nov 13, 2016
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