Bishop Fintan Monahan, Bishop of Killaloe, today offered Mass for the victims and families of the attacks in Barcelona. Bishop Monahan was celebrating the Mass today at the Youth 2000 Summer Festival which began yesterday 17 August at the Cistercian College in Mount Saint Joseph Abbey, Roscrea, Co Tipperary. More than 1,200 young people are attending and this year’s festival theme is: ‘Come Closer, Hear My Word’.
In his homily, Bishop Monahan said “It was with great sadness, and with utter disbelief, that I heard the news of the attacks in Barcelona which have left 14 people dead. Families and young people spending their leisure time together is a sacred space and one that produces life-long cherished memories. This was a deliberate and violent attack on a peaceful setting where people were simply celebrating love and friendliness. And God is love. Today, I offer my heartfelt condolences to the people of Barcelona and Spain. I offer this Mass for the victims and their families, and I ask all present to remember those affected in your prayers.”
The full text of Bishop Monahan’s homily can be found on