This Sunday, 22 October, Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly, Archbishop of Cashel and Emly and chair of the Bishops’ Council for Missions, will celebrate a special Mass in the RTÉ Donnybrook studios in Dublin to mark World Mission Sunday 2017. The Mass will be broadcast on television and radio at 11.00am on Sunday.
Archbishop O’Reilly will be joined on the day by missionaries and other religious and clergy, as well as representatives from World Missions Ireland and the Religious Formation Ministry programme from Loreto House. Music during the Mass will be provided by the choir of the National Centre for Liturgy in Maynooth.
World Mission Sunday is part of the ongoing celebrations organised by World Missions Ireland to mark October as ‘Mission Month’. Masses will take place across Ireland this weekend to mark the worldwide day of prayer for missions. There will be a special collection during these Masses to support churches, hospitals, schools and vocations in countries where the Church is new, young or poor.
Mission Sunday is one of three Papal Collections and has been chosen by Pope Francis as the means by which we share what we have with our brothers and sisters in need. It is the one Sunday in the year when the generosity of the faithful goes directly to help mission parishes overseas.
The theme for Mission Month is ‘Reach Out and Spread the Joy.’ Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly recently spoke with Brenda Drumm about Mission Month 2017 on the Faithcast podcast from, which you can listen to here.
World Missions Ireland is the official mission outreach charity of the Catholic Church in Ireland. It supports missionaries and mission projects in up to 80 countries throughout the world. For more information on the work of World Missions Ireland, please see