Pope Francis, during his Angelus address yesterday in Saint Peter’s Square on the feast of All Saints, expressed his deep sorrow following recent terrorist attacks in Somalia, Afghanistan and on Tuesday in New York.
Speaking from the window of his studio in the Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father deplored such acts of violence, adding, ‘I pray for the deceased, for the wounded and their family members. We ask the Lord to convert the hearts of terrorists and free the world from hatred and homicidal folly that abuses the name of God spreading death.’
Following the recitation of the Marian Prayer, the Pope had a special greeting for participants of the Race of the Saints mini-marathon which was run in celebration of this feast day.
Before concluding his address, the Pope reminded the faithful that he would be travelling to the American Cemetery of Nettuno, South of Rome and then to the Fosse Ardeatine National Monument today to mark the feast on Feast of all Souls. Pope Francis, said, ‘I ask you to accompany me with prayer in these two stages of memory and suffrage for the victims of war and violence. Wars produce nothing but cemeteries and death: that is why I wanted to give this sign at a time when our humanity seems not to have learned the lesson or does not want to learn it.’
Source: Vatican Radio