Extraordinary Month of Mission and Day for Life feature on Faithcast podcast this week

3 Oct, 2019 | News

Faithcast is our weekly podcast presented by Brenda Drumm and featuring a mixture of interviews and news from the Catholic Church in Ireland.

Episode 58 of Faithcast features an interview with Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly SMA, of Cashel and Emly, on the Extraordinary Month of Mission; and, an interview with Bishop Kevin Doran of Elphin on Day for Life 2019.

In his interview on the Extraordinary Mission Month, Archbishop O’Reilly, Archbishop of Cashel and Emly and Chair of the National Mission Council, speaks about the long tradition that exists here in Ireland of supporting our professional missionaries. The archbishop also speaks about his friend and colleague Father Pier Luigi Maccalli SMA who was abducted more than a year ago and whose fate is unknown. Archbishop O’Reilly highlights the plight of Father Macalli along with many other missionaries who have sacrificed so much to shine the light of the Gospel into the farthest corners of the world. The archbishop concludes by asking for prayers for all missionaries and for the safe return of Father Maccalli.

Bishop Kevin Doran, Bishop of Elphin and Chair of the Bishops’ Council for Life, speaks about this year’s Day for Life and how its annual celebration was inspired by Pope Saint John Paul II. Bishop Doran goes on to focus on the theme of this year’s pastoral message from the bishops which is ‘The Scourge of Domestic Abuse’.

The faith news this week features Archbishop Eamon Martin’s call to choose life and choose peace at the prayer service in Drogheda marking 40 years since the visit of Pope Saint John Paul II; the unveiling of a new sculpture in Saint Peter’s Square depicting the plight of migrants and refugees; Bishop Brendan Kelly’s comments about direct provision and his call to the faithful to open the doors of their hearts, homes and parishes to welcome the stranger; the announcement of the theme for World Communications Day 2020 which will highlight the role of memory and storytelling across the generations; and, the conclusion of the Autumn General Meeting of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference in Maynooth.

Also included in this week’s podcast is a recording of the official prayer for the Extraordinary Month of Mission which is read by Sarah Duffy, a Transition Year students from Maynooth Post- Primary.

Click here for this week’s episode https://audioboom.com/posts/7386445-faithcast-podcast-episode-58




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