Theme released for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2021

2 Mar, 2021 | News

Pope Francis has announced the theme for the 107th World Day of Migrants and Refugees to take place on 26 September, which this year is “Towards an ever wider ‘we’.”

The Migrants and Refugees Section of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Integral Human Development said the overarching theme of the day is divided into six sub-themes.

Pope Francis’ message will “stress the importance of being attentive to the entire human family through an inclusive Church that reaches out and is capable of creating communion in diversity.”

It will also give special attention to the care of our common home, “which translates into care of our common family, care of the ‘we’ that can, and must, become ever more open and welcoming.”

The Migrants and Refugees Section will carry out a communications campaign to help Christians prepare for the day.

The campaign will include “monthly multimedia aids, information material and reflections by theologians and experts that expand upon the theme and sub-themes chosen by the Holy Father.”

The Church marked the first celebration of the World Day of Migrants and Refugees in 1914, to express support and concern for people who are forced to flee their homes.

Catholics around the world are invited to pray for refugees and migrants in their many difficulties, and to learn more about the benefits which migration offers.


Source: Vatican News article by Devin Watkins 


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