Pope Francis held his weekly General Audience in Saint Peter’s Square earlier today, during the course of which he began a new chapter in his ongoing catechetical reflections on mercy. Specifically, the Holy Father began a series focusing on Christ’s fulfillment of the promise and action of mercy revealed to humanity through God’s Chosen People, as it is expressed and articulated in the New Testament.
Below, please find the text of the official English-language summary of Pope Francis’ main catechesis, which was delivered in Italian:
Dear Brothers and Sisters: today I wish to reflect on God’s mercy fulfilled in Jesus, who is mercy incarnate. In every moment of his earthly life, Jesus made mercy visible: meeting the crowds, announcing the Gospel, healing the sick, drawing close to the forgotten, pardoning sinners. He showed a love open to all, a love which was fulfilled on the cross. His mission of mercy began in humble surroundings at the Jordan, where he stood in line with sinners to be baptized by John. The Father confirmed this mission at Jesus’ Baptism when he sent the Holy Spirit upon him and said: “You are my beloved son; with you I am well pleased” (Mk 1:11). We can contemplate this mystery by gazing upon the cross, for there Jesus offered to the Father the sin of the world, our sins. From the cross, Jesus shows us that no one is excluded from God’s merciful love: “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Lk 23:34). We should, therefore, never fear to acknowledge and confess our sins, for the sacrament of Reconciliation offers us the forgiveness which flows from the cross and which renews us in his grace. In this Jubilee Year, let us embrace the Gospel with greater vigour and be heralds of the Father’s mercy and forgiveness.
Source: Vatican Radio