Bishop Fintan Monahan has announced the Killaloe Diocesan Appointments for 2022, which now includes the appointment of lay people to the Ministry of Pastoral Care and Ministry of Catechist.
Bishop Fintan said, “In 2018, an innovative decision was taken to introduce two new lay ministries in the Killaloe Diocese as part of the diocesan response to a changed situation where numbers of priests are steadily declining in our Church. The two new ministries would work alongside priests and people in parishes and pastoral areas across the Diocese helping local Christian Communities to reach out to the wider community and easing the burden of work on the diminishing number of priests in the Diocese.
Ministry of Pastoral Care
“This Ministry includes visiting those who are ill or elderly at home or in nursing homes and having a special care for those who are isolated or on their own in the community. They will be available to offer sensitive care to those who are bereaved according to their wishes and needs or to help families at times of funerals through, for example, helping to prepare funeral liturgies which are meaningful to families.
Ministry of Catechist
“The focus of Ministry of Catechist is on helping people in their own faith development. This ministry will take different forms depending on local needs, reaching out to families at significant moments in the family faith story.”
Bishop Fintan Monahan went on to say “I offer my sincere thanks to all the clergy, religious and faithful of the diocese for the ongoing good work, dedication and generosity of service in the diocese. Every good wish and blessing to all who take on a new role this Summer.”
The full list of appointments for the Diocese of Killaloe can be viewed here.