New framework ‘respects the ethos and curriculum of all primary schools’ – Bishops

9 Mar, 2023 | Bishops, News

The Irish Catholic Bishops, in their role as patrons of Catholic primary schools, have welcomed the launch this morning by the Minister for Education, Ms Norma Foley TD, of the new Primary Curriculum Framework. Bishops recognised the importance of updating the present curriculum to meet the evolving educational needs of pupils. They note that the new framework respects the holistic nature of education in providing for the development of the whole human person: spiritual, intellectual, moral, physical and social.

Bishops said, “It is particularly welcome that the teaching of modern languages and other subject developments are part of the new framework. The reorganisation of time for religious education, reflects the movement of some aspects of the current religious education programme into other parts of the curriculum, but in a manner which respects the ethos and curriculum of all primary schools.  As Catholic patrons, we would like to commend the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment for its work on the framework and on the extensive consultation process that they put in place for of all the stakeholders in primary schools, including parents, teachers and school leaders.”



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