Apostolic Nuncio to the EU unveils a plaque dedicated to Venerable Robert Schuman

23 Jul, 2024 | Bishops, Church, News, World

On 15 June His Excellency Archbishop Noel Treanor, Apostolic Nuncio to the European Union (pictured with microphone alongside Jean-François Maillot) unveiled a plaque dedicated to Venerable Robert Schuman, who in 1950 participated in a conference in the French market town of Luxeuil Les Bains, to mark the 1,400th anniversary of the birth of Irish Saint Columbanus.

Archbishop Treanor unveiled the plaque at Saint Columban’s Abbey in Luxeuil. The French statesman, Robert Schuman, is known as “the father of Europe”.

Monsieur Maillot was the organiser of the festivities for this event to honour Schuman and the missionary work of the Columbans.


Source: TheTablet.co.uk


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