Pope Francis offers spiritual medicine to faithful

22 Feb, 2016 | News

Following the Angelus on Sunday 21 February, Pope Francis offered the faithful gathered in Saint Peter’s Square the gift of a small box, designed to look like a box of medicine, containing a small Rosary and an image of the Merciful Jesus.

“Lent is a good time to complete a journey of conversion, that has mercy at its centre,” the Pope said. He invited the faithful to “welcome this gift as a spiritual aid in order, especially during this Year of Mercy, to spread love, forgiveness, and brotherhood.”

It is the second time Pope Francis has offered Misericordin to the faithful. In November of 2013, the Pope encouraged the faithful to use the “spiritual medicine” in order “to make concrete the fruits of the Year of Faith” which was coming to an end.

On both occasions, the gifts were distributed by volunteers, including homeless people, refugees, and the poor.

Source: Vatican Radio


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