Gerard Gallagher appointed Secretary General of AMRI

29 Aug, 2024 | Church, News

The Executive Council of AMRI has announced the appointment of Gerard Gallagher (pictured) as the new Secretary General of the Association of Leaders of Missionaries & Religious of Ireland (AMRI).

Mr Gallagher had been a member of staff with AMRI working on Communications and Membership Services.  He recently held the role of Interim Secretary General.  On taking up his new leadership position he said, “I am delighted to take on this appointment.  AMRI has a great number of Religious ministering both in Ireland and on the missions, as well as lay missionaries, and all are involved in some extraordinary ministries promoting and living the Gospel in the world of today.”

Father Tim Lehane SVD, President of AMRI, welcomed the new appointment, stating, “Gerard brings his pastoral experience and personal skills to this role in AMRI.  Together we have worked closely over this past year, and I know that our members will be fully supported by Gerard as he continues to deliver in line with our strategic objectives as Religious and Missionaries in the life of the Church.”

Gerard Gallagher has worked for the Church for over thirty years, mostly with the Archdiocese of Dublin in a variety of appointments in Catholic Youth Care, and the Office for Evangelisation.  He held leadership roles during the 50th International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin in 2012, and during Ireland’s hosting of the 9th World Meeting of Families in 2018 which was attended by Pope Francis.  He continues to be involved in Young Adult Ministry, most notably with many World Youth Days.  He is an accomplished writer and author of seven books on pastoral ministry, including, Faith – In Search of Greater Glory in Sport.

The Association of Leaders of Missionaries and Religious of Ireland represents and promotes active collaboration between Religious Institutes, Societies of Apostolic Life and Lay Missionary Organisations. It seeks to respond to existing and emerging realities both in Ireland and overseas by supporting and energising the life and ministries of its members and of the wider Church with a renewed sense of hope and relevance, see



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