As we celebrate Jubilee Year 2025 on the theme, Pilgrims of Hope, Bishop Niall Coll, Bishop of Ossory, published five points on ‘Hope’ (pictured in the graphic above). In his message Bishop Coll said, “We may ask what is the “hope” that Pope Francis calls us to, in other words what might it look like in the concrete circumstances of our own lives:
- Hope looks like forgiving when you want to stay angry. It looks like being kind to someone who doesn’t deserve it, because you believe they can change.
- Hope looks like standing up for what is right, even when it costs you, because you believe justice matters.
- Hope is getting out of bed in the morning when you’re struggling and depressed and uncertain – believing – just maybe – that today might bring something new.
- Hope looks like parents raising children in a digital world, helping them to understand that their value goes beyond screens, and teaching them to find their identity in something deeper than “likes” and “comments” on social media.
- Hope looks like peacemakers who refuse to give up on reconciliation … and so much more.”
Bishop Coll said “As we journey through this Jubilee Year, I invite both you and those rather weathered friends of mine that I mentioned to embrace the hope that does not disappoint. Let hope inspire us to deepen our faith, to act with love, and to become beacons of hope in our homes, parishes and wider communities. In doing so, we fulfil the very essence of our calling as ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ bringing light to the world and drawing closer to the heart of Christ. Truly the work of the Lord’s disciples!”