The Killaloe Diocesan Changes for 2016 have been announced and they include the appointment of a priest with responsibility for social communications
Fr. Desmond Hillery, Administrator of Killaloe Diocese has made the clerical appointments which take effect from today Monday 1 August.
1. Pastoral Plan Killaloe Diocese 2013-2020 ‘Builders of Hope’
The Diocese of Killaloe recently undertook a Mid-Term Evaluation of the Implementation of the Pastoral Plan. Following on from the recommendations contained in this evaluation it was decided that Fr. Ger Nash be appointed to the role of Director of Pastoral Development and will continue as Killaloe Diocesan Secretary.
2. Cluster of ImeallBoirne
The parishes of Imeall Boirne (Corofin, Crusheen, Ruan and Tubber) will be ministered by Frs. Pat O’Neill, Damien Nolan and Seamus Nohilly SMA. The reduction in the number of priests in the cluster will be addressed in all four parishes with Fr. Damien Nolan as Moderator who will co-ordinate the administration of the Cluster. This transition will be facilitated by Fr. Ger Nash, Director of Pastoral Development and by the Pastoral Workers of Killaloe Diocese.
3. Cloughjordan Parish
The parish of Cloughjordan has been served by the priests of the Cluster of Cois Deirige since January 2016. I thank the priests of Cois Deirge for their attention to the Parish of Cloughjordan during this time. The priests of Nenagh Parish will now take on this responsibility. Appropriate changes will take place in Nenagh and Cloughjordan Parishes in order to fulfil this extra responsibility. Fr. Ger Jones is appointed Administrator of the Parish of Cloughjordan along with his present appointment in Nenagh Parish. Fr. Des Hillery and Fr. Michael Geraghty will assist him while continuing their present appointments in Nenagh Parish. This transition will be facilitated by Fr. Ger Nash, Director of Pastoral Development and by the Pastoral Workers of Killaloe Diocese.
4. Communications
The rapidly expanding world of social media places a particular challenge on the Diocese and to meet this demand Fr. Michael Geraghty will be responsible for Social Media and our engaging with this area. Fr. Michael will be assisted by a team that he will be in charge of forming. This role is in conjunction with the Office of Communications.
5. Healthcare Chaplain
Fr. Tom O’Gorman will coordinate the support network of Catholic Healthcare Chaplains in the Diocese of Killaloe. This role will entail liaising with the National Catholic Healthcare Chaplains of Ireland and the Healthcare Chaplains of Killaloe Diocese.
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