Pope Francis’ telegram for death of Cardinal Desmond Connell RIP

22 Feb, 2017 | News

Pope Francis, upon learning of the death of Cardinal Desmond Connell, has this morning sent a telegram to Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin.

The text of the telegram reads:

To the Most Reverend Diarmuid Martin
Archbishop of Dublin

I was deeply saddened to learn of the death of Cardinal Desmond Connell, and I extend my heartfelt condolences to you and to the clergy, religious and lay faithful of the Archdiocese. Recalling with gratitude Cardinal Connell’s years of generous priestly and episcopal ministry to the Archdiocese of Dublin, and his many contributions to the Church in Ireland, especially in the area of philosophical studies, I join you in commending his soul to the merciful love of Almighty God.

In the sure hope of the Resurrection, I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing upon all who mourn the late Cardinal, as a pledge of consolation and peace in the Lord Jesus.

Francis PP.

Cardinal Connell passed away peacefully on 21 February after a long illness. His Remains will arrive at Saint Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, Dublin on Thursday, 23 February, at 7.00pm where he will repose until 9.00pm. His Funeral Mass will take place on Friday 24 February at 11.00am.



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