The Diocese of Derry Diocesan Vocations Council, with the blessing of Bishop Donal McKeown, Bishop of Derry, is running a Year of Prayer for Vocations with the aim of promoting a culture of prayer for vocations throughout the diocese.
The Year of Prayer, which began on St Patrick’s Day 2022, will run until 17 March 2023. Every parish in the diocese is encouraged to use the Diocesan Prayer for Vocations and to include an intercession for Vocations at Sunday and Holy Day Masses. If a parish celebrates the Rosary publicly or has periods of Eucharistic Adoration, they will be asked to dedicate a regular Rosary or an occasional hour of Adoration to the intentions of the Year of Prayer for Vocations.
At present the Diocese of Derry has five men in seminary formation, and a number of men have expressed interest in beginning studying for the priesthood.
The first step for anyone interested in priesthood is to speak with their local priest who will put them in touch with Fr Pat O’Hagan, the Derry Diocesan Vocations Director. Fr Pat will put prospective candidates in touch with a diocesan priest who will act as a mentor to them while they discern the Lord’s will for them. Seminary formation begins after a propaedeutic (introductory) period, and lasts for a number of years, depending on the student’s age, experience and qualifications
Diocesan Prayer for Vocations
God our Father,
you call us by name, and ask us to follow you.
Help us to grow in the love and service of your Church today.
Grant us the courage to embrace Christ’s mission of love and justice.
Bless the Church here in the diocese of Derry
by raising up generous and dedicated leaders from among our families and friends,
who will serve your people as Priests, Sisters, Brothers, Deacons and Lay Ministers.
Bless those who have already answered your call
and who are now preparing for service in your Church.
Inspire us to know you better,
and open our hearts and minds to the guidance of your Holy Spirit.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.