Accord Newbridge celebrates 50 years supporting marriages and relationships

9 May, 2022 | News

Current and former members of Accord Newbridge gathered in the Hotel Keadeen, Newbridge on Friday 6 May 2022 to celebrate, and reminisce on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Accord (formerly CMAC) Newbridge and their work supporting marriages and relationships in the parish and wider community since 1972.

Bishop Denis Nulty, Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin and President of Accord Catholic Marriage Care CLG celebrated Mass for the 50th anniversary gathering during which he congratulated members past and present, on their commitment, dedication and their valuable and important contribution to the quality of relationships and family life.

Father Denis Harrington, the first priest director of Accord Newbridge with Bishop Denis Nulty

Accord Newbridge was established in 1972 when Bishop Lennon of Kildare and Leighlin requested Fr Denis Harrington, Newbridge Parish, to set up an Accord Centre in Newbridge.

The Centre was initially based in St Anne’s Station Rd, which was a second-level school. Subsequently this building was renovated and became the home base for Accord to this day.  Mrs Breda Parker (deceased) was one of the founding members of the Centre in Newbridge in terms of recruiting members and supporting the Newbridge team, through encouragement, and support of members’ work in both Marriage Preparation and Counselling. There were many other committed, dedicated and long-serving members from the early days, too numerous to mention here,  Pat Mulcahy (deceased) who was also a tutor and Georg Murphy, a supervisor, were key contributors to the Newbridge Centre, team spirit, and work.

Priest Directors are also key members of Accord Centres and from Fr Denis Harrington the first Priest Director in 1972 to Fr Joe McDermott, the current Priest Director, Accord Newbridge has been extremely well served over years.  Both Fr Harrington and Father McDermott were in attendance at the celebrations. Fr Harrington addressed members past and present acknowledging and thanking them for their commitment and contribution to supporting marriages and relationships over 50 years.

Newbridge was always and continues to be a very vibrant centre with very committed members. A number of members who joined the centre in the 1980s and 1990s are still part of the team and there are also newer members, some who joined as recently as 2019 and 2021.

Accord Newbridge can be contacted by phone on 045 431695 and by email at [email protected]. Those seeking online counselling can email [email protected]



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