Archbishop Eamon Martin to join Church leaders from Ireland for commemoration of 100th anniversary of The Battle of the Somme

30 Jun, 2016 | News

Tomorrow on 1 July, at 14.30hrs, Archbishop Eamon Martin, Archbishop of Armagh, will join Church leaders from Ireland and up to three thousand people to participate in a ceremony of worship at the Ulster Memorial Tower, Thiepval, France, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of The Battle of the Somme. Archbishop Eamon’s participation in tomorrow’s commemoration follows on from his visit last week with Archbishop Richard Clarke, and young people from across the island of Ireland, to places linked to the Easter Rising and the First World War.

The Order of Service will include Rev Bill Mullally, President of the Methodist Church in Ireland, who will lead the congregation in the call to worship; Archbishop Eamon Martin will read a passage from Scripture (Jn 15: 7-14); Rev Frank Sellar, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Ireland will lead The Lord’s Prayer; and Archbishop Richard Clarke, Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh, will deliver the address at the Divine Service.

This commemoration service is part of a three-day ‘Battle of the Somme 100th Anniversary Tour’ which has been organised by The Somme Association, a registered charity based in Newtownards, County Down. See

See our special report tomorrow from the Somme Centenary Pilgrimage which took place from 22 – 24 June.



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