Churches honour Archbishop Treanor who nourished the Christian heart and soul of Europe

13 Aug, 2024 | Bishops, Church, News, Pope, World

Following the sudden death on 11 August of Archbishop Noël Treanor RIP, Apostolic Nuncio to the European Union, there have been many statements from faith and civic leaders paying tribute to the late Archbishop’s faith, charisma, intellect, and ministry.  The comments below reflect tributes from some Church leaders.

Primate of All Ireland, Archbishop Eamon of Armagh said, “At this sad time for all who knew him across Ireland, Europe and throughout the universal Church, I join with Bishop Alan McGuckian SJ of Down and Connor, and with Bishop Larry Duffy of his native diocese of Clogher, in offering my prayers for the happy repose of the soul of Archbishop Noël.

“In June, I had the privilege of meeting with Archbishop Noël when he spoke to the Plenary Assembly of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences which took place in Belgrade, Serbia.  He followed closely in the footsteps and spirit of the founding fathers of closer European unity, including Venerable Robert Schuman whom he had honoured recently at Luxeil les Bains in France.  Archbishop Noël served most of his ordained ministry in working to forge positive relations with partner countries of the European Union and to help nourish the Christian heart and soul of Europe.  At our meeting in Belgrade, bishops reflected on the future of the Christian faith in Europe, and Archbishop Noël’s keen intellect, insight and leadership provided an invaluable contribution to our discussion.”

Bishop Alan McGuckian SJ, Bishop of Down and Connor, said, “Throughout his ministry, Archbishop Noël exhibited a wonderful capacity to situate the concerns and challenges faced by the Church within a broader European and global context. I particularly commend his work over the years as President of ‘Justice and Peace Europe’ where he sought to remind others to look beyond their personal circumstances and to be more responsive to the needs of their global sisters and brothers, especially those living in destitution, slavery and conflict. Archbishop Noël was also keenly alert to supporting the ongoing peace process in Northern Ireland and to progress ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, seeking to strengthen and build upon established relationships with other Christian churches and world religions through respectful dialogue and personal friendship.

“Archbishop Noël will be fondly remembered within the Diocese of Down and Connor. He opened his heart to the people of this diocese and they warmly welcomed him in return.  Speaking as he left the diocese in 2023 to take up his appointment as Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Treanor movingly recalled how his 14 years of ministry in Down and Connor were graced in numerous ways and that he was deeply inspired by the faith, hope, friendship and resilience of the people.”

Archbishop Treanor was ordained a priest in 1976 for the Diocese of Clogher.  Paying respect to his co-diocesan Bishop Larry Duffy, Bishop of Clogher, said, “His passing leaves a huge void in the life of the Church at European level and in its engagement with questions of diplomacy, social justice and peace. His sharp intellect, his linguistic gifts and his insights into the development of both the Church and European society will be missed.

“Along with Canon Michael Daly, I had the privilege of being ordained to the Priesthood alongside Archbishop Noël on 13 June 1976 by the late Bishop Patrick Mulligan.  When I became Bishop of Clogher in 2019, Archbishop Noël welcomed me into the Episcopal Conference and, as I had not been a student in Maynooth, he ensured that I became familiar with all the different places and aspects of the place. In keeping with his deep Christian faith, he was always genial and kind.

“Archbishop Noël was very proud of his roots in County Monaghan and, in particular, his native parish of Tyholland.  He loved its history and seized any opportunity to research aspects of it and to speak about it. Recently, he undertook research work on a fellow Tyholland native priest, the late Dr Francis Lennon, Professor of Natural Philosophy in Maynooth from 1864 to 1911.

“Although Archbishop Noël spent the most of his priestly ministry outside the diocese, his time in both Monaghan and Enniskillen parishes, including his work as a hospital chaplain, is remembered fondly.  So too his contribution to ministry on Lough Derg, to Adult Faith Education and as one of the Secretaries to the Assembly of Clergy in 1986.  He truly believed that the Church as the People of God must involve, listen to and activate all its members in the journey of faith.  We can learn from Archbishop Noël’s strong belief that the synodal journey is not a short one, but one that will have to take time.”

On hear of the sad news, Bishop Nicholas Hudson, Chair of the Department for International Affairs of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, expressed his sorrow, prayers, and condolences.  Archbishop Noël Treanor attended the Holy Land Co-Ordination for several years, a group organised by the Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales that comprises an annual pilgrimage of Catholic Bishops from around the world that visits the lands of Christ’s birth, ministry, death and resurrection.

The Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh, Archbishop John McDowell said, “Prior to returning to Ireland to take up episcopal ministry, Archbishop Noel was the Director of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) where he used his considerable diplomatic and academic skills to ensure that Christian values were advocated for at the heart of the European Union.

“Archbishop Noel hailed from Tyholland in Co Monaghan and retained a strong affection and many connections in that beautiful Border parish.  I got to know Archbishop Noel well through work which we did together in relation to the impact of Brexit.  When I was Bishop of Clogher I was delighted when he accepted an invitation to speak at an ecumenical gathering in the little Church of Ireland parish church in Tyholland.  Noel was always extremely well prepared for any engagement and arrived with a hefty volume of paper in his case.  However, half-way through his address he abandoned his notes and spoke directly to many people in that small Protestant community whose families he had grown up with and for whom he had a clear and clear-eyed affection. It was a truly memorable occasion.”

The Church of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin, Archbishop Michael Jackson, said, “Everyone involved in Christian witness and engagement in Ireland and beyond is saddened by the death of Archbishop Noel Treanor.  The ecumenical life of Europe was instinctive to him and he made a sustained contribution over decades through COMECE and more recently as Apostolic Nuncio to the European Union.  He also brought this wisdom and grace to bear on the Christian Churches in Ireland through being Bishop of Down and Connor.  I first met Noel in the Diocese of Clogher that is native to us both.  Bishop Joseph Duffy and I felt that parishes should mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in their parishes and communities during The Octave of Prayer.  We held gatherings on the afternoon of Pentecost Sunday in a range of different ecclesiastical sites outdoors.  Noel spoke at one of those held in his native County Monaghan with ease and eloquence, with faith and friendliness.  He moved gracefully among neighbours, school friends and family members.  I wish to record his personal friendship and support over many years.  I wish also to express my condolences to his bereaved family members, fellow priests and bishops.  Most of all I want to thank God for the opportunity to know a good man.”

Presbyterian Church in Ireland minister, the Reverend Steve Stockman said Archbishop Treanor was a great supporter of the cross-community 4 Corners Festival and he was very saddened to learn the news.

The Methodist Church in Ireland has expressed its sorrow on learning of the death of Archbishop Treanor.  The Church stated, “He was a sincere man of God and a brother in Christ. We pray for comfort for all who mourn.”

His Excellency Bishop Mariano Crociata, President of COMECE, the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe – which is composed of the Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of all member States of the European Union – stated,

“Archbishop Treanor left an indelible mark on all of us.  He was a tireless servant of God, a true man of dialogue, an accurate analyser and an exceptionally gifted speaker. In Northern Ireland, he was a fervant promoter of reconciliation and peace, acting as a bridge-builder between communities. As an enthusiast advocate of the European project as a means to achieve the common good, he later laid the foundations for COMECE’s development, bringing the voice of faith to the heart of the European Union and was a key contributor to the establishment of Article 17 TFEU as a tool for dialogue between the Churches and the EU.

“When Pope Francis appointed him Apostolic Nuncio to the EU in 2022, his vast experience greatly facilitated his diplomatic efforts, furthering collaboration between the EU and the Catholic Church. His passing is a significant loss for all of us, for the Church, and for the European Union.

“Beyond his crucial role in fostering relations between the Church and the European Union and his work with COMECE, he was a close friend – always approachable, kind, and supportive to the entire COMECE Secretariat and Catholic organisations in Brussels. His loss is deeply felt by us all,” added Fr. Manuel Barrios Prieto, General Secretary of COMECE, reflecting on Mgr Treanor’s long-standing service in Brussels.

“Archbishop Noël Treanor, Apostolic Nuncio to the EU, had profound knowledge of the workings of the European institutions, drawing from his extensive experience as General Secretary of COMECE (1993-2008), Delegate of the Irish Episcopate to COMECE (2009-2022), Vice-President of COMECE (2018-2022), and President of Justice and Peace Europe (2018-2022).”

To read these statements in full, please see,, and



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