‘As a priest your ministry is not only at the altar, but it is also in the world, sanctifying it by your life and ministry.’ – Archbishop Farrell

31 Jan, 2022 | News

Last Saturday 29 January, Archbishop Dermot Farrell of Dublin, celebrated the Ordination Mass of Liwei Huang, Joseph Mansah and Clement Narcher to the priesthood in the Church of Saint Philip the Apostle, Mountview in Dublin 15.

During his homily, Archbishop Farrell said,  “This is an important day for the Society of the Divine Word Missionaries.  Liwei, Clement and Joseph, I would suspect that this day has been a long time coming for you.  Since you entered formation, you have been availing of the rich and varied opportunities presented to you in Ghana, China and Ireland, in St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, where you studied scripture and theology, and more recently when you served in the parishes of Leixlip, Jobstown and Knock.  Furthermore, your priesthood will be shaped in response to special needs in the church and according to a particular charism given to your founder, Arnold Janssen.  You have reflected on all of that in your prayer life and in your relationship with the Lord.   Many hours in preparation have taken place for this day.  Through your careful discernment and prayer, you have discovered that God has called you to this vocation, and now you are responding with your whole heart.   Today, the Church entrusts to you this sacred ministry of priesthood.   Through the laying on of hands, you will share in Christ’s sacred ministry.”

He continued, “Be inspired and assisted by the example and encouragement of your founders.   Many people said that Arnold Janssens was not the right man for the job, or that the times were not right for such a project.   Arnold’s answer was, “The Lord challenges our faith to do something new precisely when so many things are collapsing in the Church.” We need to be brave in reimagining our Church so that it will continue to inspire and support a living faith in a secularised society.

“As a priest your ministry is not only at the altar, but it is also in the world, sanctifying it by your life and ministry.  Salvation is concrete, or nothing at all.  Indeed, the same is true of the Church.  A purely invisible Church banished to inwardness has betrayed the reality of redemption.”

In conclusion, the Archbishop said, “I join with your own families and your Divine Word confrères, in warmly congratulating you and in doing so, I congratulate your parents, your family and all who have been involved in your formation for the way in which they have contributed to making you the person that you are, ready to go forward “so the Gospel may reach the ends of the earth, and the family of nations, made one in Christ, may become God’s one, holy people (Prayer of Consecration, Liturgy of Ordination).

To read this homily in full, click here.



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