Bishop Denis Nulty has paid tribute to the late Bishop James Moriarty RIP who died on Saturday 26 March aged 85.

Bishop Jim Moriarty (13 August 1936 – 26 March 2022)
Bishop Nulty said, “On Saturday as I received the telephone call informing me of the passing of Bishop Jim Moriarty in Cherryfield Lodge Nursing Home and subsequently announced his death, I felt a great sadness but also acknowledge recent months were not easy for him as his health deteriorated.
“Bishop Jim’s episcopal motto was ‘Sentire pro omnibus’ meaning “to think and feel for all” and he very much lived this in his ministry. The Diocese of Kildare & Leighlin was delighted with his appointment as he brought with him huge initiatives around evangelisation, faith development, vocations and youth ministry. Many of his initiatives in these areas were pioneering in the country. He is well remembered for his personal qualities of kindness, gentleness and openness to all, living out his motto.”
Bishop Nulty went on to say, “At the moment in my celebrations of Confirmation, I know how much Bishop Jim spoke to young people through the homilies he delivered where he so easily engaged with their culture and interests. This stemmed from his days as chaplain in UCD and his subsequent close participation in every aspect of World Youth Days.
“All of us will remember Bishop Jim as a kind and humble pastor as we hold his family and many friends in our prayers these days.”
Bishop Moriarty is survived by his brothers Michael and Denis, sister Ann, sisters-in-law Mary, Anne and Fiona, his nieces and nephews.
Bishop Moriarty’s remains will be received into the Cathedral of the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary, Carlow, today, Monday 28 March at 7pm and repose there until his Funeral Mass at 12 noon on Wednesday 30 March. Burial will follow immediately after the Mass in the cathedral grounds.
The Funeral Mass will be live streamed on the Cathedral Parish website
Requiescat in Pace.