Bishop Hayes announces clerical changes and pastoral updates for Kilmore

12 Aug, 2024 | Bishops, Church, News, Vocations

On 8 August, Bishop Martin Hayes (pictured), Bishop of Kilmore, announced clerical changes in the diocese, addressing the reduction of Masses, and highlighting the roles of Permanent Deacon and that of Lay Pastoral Worker.

Reflecting on these changes, where for the first time Bishop Hayes is appointing a Parish Priest to more than one parish, he said, “Our clergy appointments are made in view of our increasing awareness of the number and age profile of our priests.  The average age is 71 years, with one ordination, thankfully, this year and two in the past four years for the diocese.  We are grateful for those who are prepared to try their vocation to priesthood.  We are overjoyed for those who with God’s help celebrate their ordination and serve in Kilmore.  However, there are simply not enough ordinations in the diocese to keep pace with the current and projected number of retirements in accord with the current organisation of our parishes.”

A reduction in the number of Masses in parishes is very much in focus around the diocese, and so Bishop Hayes commented, “Thankfully, the number of lay people actively involved in parishes in our diocese has remained steady, though the overall Mass attendance figures are down.  We cannot continue to maintain a system that has become ineffective with the same schedule of Masses, less attendance and fewer available priests.  It is best to have full churches, and fewer Masses and to have a wholesome celebration of the Mass with maximum participation to nurture the faith of each person.  The ongoing discussions on our Mass schedule are due to conclude this autumn in preparation for the implementation of a new schedule on the first Sunday of Advent, 1 December 2024.”

As part of the plan for the diocese, Bishop Hayes referred to the permanent diaconate having been relaunched, “Over the past year we have launched the promotion of the Permanent Diaconate for men who are willing to give of their time in the service of Kilmore.  The ministry of the Permanent Diaconate is not intended to substitute the indispensable ministry of priests nor to replace that of lay ministry.  The functions of a Permanent Deacon include presiding at the Sacraments of Baptism, Marriage, the Rite of Burials, proclaiming the Gospel, preaching and assisting at the Eucharist.”

Concerning the recruitment of new lay pastoral workers, Bishop Hayes spoke about a new course being launched this autumn, “I wish to highlight that we are promoting a new initiative of extending lay involvement in the parishes of our diocese, that is, of Lay Pastoral Workers, in accordance with the Baptismal calling of each person.”

To read the full text of Bishop Hayes’ statement, please click here.



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