Bishops acknowledge ‘deep commitment to the faith’ of the Legion of Mary

6 Oct, 2022 | Bishops, News

The Autumn General Meeting of the of the Irish Episcopal Conference concluded in Maynooth yesterday, 5 October. During their meeting, bishops warmly acknowledged the deep commitment to the faith and the hard work of the Legion of Mary, in this its centenary year.

The Legion of Mary is a lay apostolic association of Catholics who serve the Church and their neighbour on a voluntary basis in 170 countries.  The first meeting of the Legion took place in Dublin on 7 September 1921. Its founder, Frank Duff, was invited to attend part of the Second Vatican Council where he was accorded a standing ovation by the bishops of the world.

Bishops said, “The teaching of the Second Vatican Council regarding the lay apostolate emphasised the centrality of the vocation of every member of the Church, rooted in baptism. This affirms the work of Frank Duff and is a wonderful vindication of the Legion of Mary. Pope Francis has stressed the importance of a more synodal, mission-orientated, outward looking Church.” The Legion of Mary is well equipped and experienced in this area and bishops expressed their hope that the example of the Legion will be able to assist the Irish Church on the Synodal Pathway.



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