Bishops express concern at political uncertainty in Northern Ireland

14 Dec, 2022 | Bishops, News

During their Winter General Meeting in Maynooth, the Irish Catholic Bishops’s Conference expressed concern about the ongoing political uncertainty in Northern Ireland, stating, “the lack of devolved government and a functioning elected Assembly in Stormont is adding to the many others challenges that are currently facing families which include soaring prices for essential items and the associated financial pressures for those on low incomes with few savings.  We call on all elected representatives to keep their focus on serving the Common Good: a shared and peaceful future can only be built on the foundations of a shared and compassionate present.”

Bishops encouraged parishes to support and promote initiatives that can counteract poverty and loneliness this winter such as visiting or calling their vulnerable or elderly neighbours, saying, “there is an added strength when parishes and congregations work together in the service of their communities.”

Protecting unborn life

Bishops reiterated their profound sadness at the prioritisation and ring fencing of funding for abortion services by the Westminster government, stating, “In the face of a serious lack of funding for life-saving health services, we are now witnessing financial resources being diverted and ring-fenced to end life before the unborn baby sees the light of day.  We call for a reversal of this public policy approach which runs sharply counter to fostering a culture of life in our society.”



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