Bishops offer prayer for peace in both Ukrainian and English

7 Dec, 2022 | Bishops, News

During their Winter General Meeting, which is taking place this week in Maynooth, Bishops discussed the suffering of the Ukrainian people.  Bishops stated, “In solidarity with our Ukrainian sisters and brothers living among us, we invite parishes and individuals across Ireland, to join us in prayer to help alleviate the plight facing the people of Ukraine – at home and abroad – at this time of Advent.  To assist the faithful, we offer the following prayer in both the Ukrainian and English languages”:

В очікуванні народження Князя Миру молимося за мир для народу України. Нехай Господь утішить вигнаних з рідних домівок, дасть притулок біженцям, укріпить тих, які бояться і помилує мертвих.  Нехай ті, хто прагне насильства і руйнування, прислухаються до голосу Божого, який говорить усім: ‘Блаженні миротворці, бо вони синами Божими назвуться.’

This prayer translates into the English language as follows:

As we await the birth of the Prince of Peace we pray for peace for the people of Ukraine. Lord comfort those driven from their homes, shelter the refugee, strengthen the fearful and have mercy on the dead.  May those intent on violence and destruction listen to the voice of God who says to all, ‘Blessed are the peacemakers they shall be called children of God’.

During their discussion on the Russian war in Ukraine, Bishops reiterated the repeated appeal by the Holy Father Pope Francis for an immediate end to the horrific loss of life, daily bombardment, displacement of families and destruction of the country, stating, “Human life is sacred.  This invasion and aggression reminds us of the fragility of peace, even in Europe, a place that has experienced peace for much of the past seven decades.”



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