The Missionary Society of Saint Columban will mark a very important milestone in 2018 when it commemorates 100 years since the Maynooth Mission to China was officially founded in 1918.
Events connected with this momentous anniversary will take place in 2017 and 2018. The commemorative year opens on Saint Columban’s Day, 23 November 2017 and concludes on Saint Columban’s Day, 23 November 2018.
During the centenary year, the Far East magazine will mark its own milestone. In January 2018, the magazine will have seen 100 years of continuous publication.
Looking back over 100 years of Columban mission, Father Peter Hughes, the regional director in Britain observed, “We give thanks to God for all the gifts and challenges which have been showered on us. The centenary is an opportunity, not only to celebrate with joy, but also to discern our small but unique contribution to God’s mission in the future.” As Father Pat Raleigh, regional director for Ireland has highlighted, it is about looking forward as well as looking back.
The Far East will, from the November 2017 issue, and to coincide with the opening of the centenary celebrations, republish some material from our archives as part of their recognition of all that has gone before them. The magazine will also highlight mission today in the 21st century, underlining that the same Spirit animates the Church then and now, and that the same commitment, generosity and tireless dedication exists among Columban members today as it did yesterday.
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