Clogher Diocese to celebrate Chrism Mass for first time since 2016

10 Apr, 2019 | News

For the first time since 2016 the Diocese of Clogher will celebrate a Mass of Chrism on Holy Thursday. Members of the public are invited to join Bishop Larry Duffy, and the people of the Diocese in this celebration on 18 April 2019 at 11.00am in Saint Macartan’s Cathedral, Monaghan.

The Mass of Chrism is a gathering of the entire diocese, bishop, priests, deacons, religious and lay faithful.  It is an occasion during which the bishop blesses the holy oils and consecrates the oil of chrism. These will be used in the celebration of the sacraments in the year ahead. At the Mass, the priests will also renew their promises to serve God and his people.

The two oils that are blessed at the Chrism Mass: that of the sick and that of catechumens, are then used, in the year ahead wherever there is a sacramental anointing, such as the anointing of the sick and the anointing of those to be baptised. The oil of chrism is consecrated for use in the anointing of those being confirmed in our parishes. It will also be used to anoint Deacon Kevin Connolly when he will be ordained to the priesthood on 30 June next.

The Diocese of Clogher was vacant from the retirement through ill-health of Bishop Liam MacDaid in October 2016 until the episcopal ordination of Bishop Larry Duffy on 10 February last. It was therefore not in a position to celebrate a Mass of Chrism.

The Diocese of Clogher encompasses all of Co Monaghan, most of Fermanagh and portions of Tyrone, Donegal, Louth and Cavan.  It has a Catholic population of 88,000, across 37 parishes, which are served by 57 priests and 2 deacons. There are 85 churches in the diocese.



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