Faithcast is the weekly podcast from, the news source for the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference. Presented by Brenda Drumm, Faithcast is a mixture of interviews and news snippets from the Catholic Church in Ireland.
In episode 21 of Faithcast, Brenda speaks to Ephrem Feeley, the composer of A Joy For All The Earth, the official hymn for the World Meeting of Families 2018, about his inspiration for the hymn. She also speaks to Dr Nicola Brady, General Secretary of the Irish Council of Churches about her recent visit to Colombia as part of an international delegation to experience how the Catholic Church there is seeking to respond to the call to be a field hospital in a society plagued by a culture of violence.
The faith news this week features the July 9 celebration of the Eucharist in Knock Shrine to mark the centenary of the Fatima apparitions; Archbishop Eamon Martin’s comments about standing up for your faith in his homily for Mass as part of the annual Festival of Saint Oliver Plunkett; Rev Professor Eamonn Conway’s appointment as visiting scholar to the University of Notre Dame in Western Australia; Archbishop Diarmuid Martin’s comments about being pro-life in his homily at Mass for the protection of Life in Dublin last Saturday; and Pope Francis video message highlighting his prayer intentions for July.
Click here for this week’s episode.