“Faithfest” is an event for teenagers, organised by Tullamore parish. The gathering will take place on Friday 29 April from 6.00pm until 9.30pm in the Church of the Assumption, Tullamore.
Faithfest it is a place where young people can meet other young people who are looking to explore faith and life in a fun and creative way.
Elements of Faithfest include music, prayer, creative workshops as well as ‘Chat ‘n’ Chill’.
Stephen Harte, the chairperson of the Junior Parish Pastoral Council in Tullamore, said, “We are super excited about this event and getting to hang out with young people from around Ireland”
Stephen said, “It’s exactly what we are used to, fast, fun and exciting. Jesus said ‘I call you friends’ and we want to meet many new friends to share our faith”.
Parishes around Ireland are being invited to encourage teenagers to take part.
For further information, check out www.jppctullamore.com.