‘Faiths Together for Climate Justice and Peace’ launch ahead of Season of Creation

2 Jul, 2024 | Bishops, Church, News, World

‘Faiths Together for Climate Justice and Peace’ held a launch (see picture above) on 13 June in the beautifully restored Belfast City Council’s Community and Cultural Hub, in order to highlight the Season of Creation which begins on 1 September next.

The gathering was a development of the collaboration initiated last November, when several groups came together around the issue of climate justice and the ‘Join the Dots Together’ network was born.  With the objective of highlighting Season of Creation, a time when all Christians, members of all religions and people of goodwill are invited to make a special effort to care for creation, a series of events has been organised.  From 19 – 21 September in Belfast, these events will focus on International Day of Peace (21 September), and will coincide with the visit of Martin Palmer, renowned environmentalist, to Ireland.

In his keynote address, Rev Dr Allen Sleith, Minister of Hillsborough Presbyterian Church, Stewardship of Creation Agent for the Presbyterian Church and Presbyterian Representative on Eco Congregation Ireland, reflected on the transformation of the 2 Royal Avenue building, from a site of devastation in the late 1980s to a vibrant community hub today.  This, he suggested, was evidence of the Divine Spirit at work within and among us.  He then addressed the multiple crises our world faces, from political uncertainties and security threats to ongoing conflicts and pervasive poverty.

Commenting on Rev Dr Sleith’s thought provoking talk, Juanita Majury from the Focolare said that it set the context for the collaborative efforts of the faiths community in addressing climate justice.  She emphasised the importance of the upcoming Season of Creation and the International Day of Peace including the Faith Leaders’ Call for a Global Day of Action to endorse a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, as opportunities for further action and collaboration.  She also emphasised the interconnected efforts of various groups working together to care for creation and our planet.

CatholicNews.ie is grateful to Juanita Majury for contacting us at [email protected] and for writing this story for publication.

For more information on Faiths Together for Climate Justice and Peace, Join the Dots Together network or any upcoming events please click here


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