The Trustees of Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth have appointed Reverend Professor Michael Mullaney as President of Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth for the next three years, with effect from 1 September 2017.
Father Mullaney, a priest of the Archdiocese of Cashel and Emly, has lectured in Canon Law at Saint Patrick’s College, Thurles; Milltown Institute, Dublin; and in Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth. He was appointed Registrar of the Pontifical University, Maynooth, in 2005.
Since 2006 Father Mullaney has worked with the National Marriage Appeals Tribunal of Ireland. In 2007 he became Vice-President of Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth, and has been Acting-President since August 2016.
In welcoming the appointment, Archbishop Eamon Martin, Chairman of the Trustees, said, “I warmly congratulate and send my prayerful good wishes to Father Michael Mullaney on his appointment to the role of President of Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth. Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth is not only home to our national seminary, but its Pontifical University offers courses to almost one thousand students – women and men, full time and part time, resident and non-resident, seminarians and religious from all over the country. The Trustees are firmly committed to the College as a key contributor to the future of the Church in Ireland as it prepares both clergy and lay people to fully exercise their baptismal calling and bring their gifts to the service of God’s people.
“In appointing Father Mullaney as President for a period of three years, the Trustees of the College, in consultation with the relevant Congregations of the Holy See, have agreed to revise the governance structures of the College, with particular reference to the Seminary and the Pontifical University as two interrelated but distinct entities. Plans for the further development of a vibrant pontifical university, alongside the implementation of the vision for priestly formation set out in the new universal norms The Gift of the Priestly Vocation published by the Congregation for the Clergy last December, have led us to reflect on the complementary but distinct roles and responsibilities of a Seminary Rector and the President of a Pontifical University. We have therefore decided to prepare for the appointment in due course of a Pro-Rector with dedicated responsibility for seminary formation at Maynooth.
“I wish to thank Monsignor Hugh Connolly for his dedication and commitment to the staff and community of Saint Patrick’s College over twenty years, including two full terms as President and I wish him well in his new appointment as Chaplain to the Irish College, Paris. I also express appreciation and gratitude to Father Paul Prior at the end of his two full terms as Director of Formation and wish him well for his future ministry. The Trustees have appointed Father Tom Surlis, until recently President of Saint Nathy’s College in Ballaghadarreen, as Director of Formation to succeed Father Prior in September.”
Archbishop Eamon Martin concluded, “This is a time of opportunity for Saint Patrick’s College as it strengthens its outreach to lay people who wish to study Theology whilst continuing to develop its long tradition of seminary formation. I want to assure the staff and students of the College of remembrance in my prayers”.
Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth has been forming men for the priesthood since 1795. The Trustees of the College are the Governing Body of the College. The membership is defined by successive Acts of Parliament. The current Trustees are the four Archbishops of Ireland together with thirteen other bishops. The College comprises the seminary and the Pontifical University, which offers degrees in theology, philosophy and theology and arts.