Ireland has much to learn from Church in Brazil – Archbishop Martin at Mass with Brazilian Catholic community

18 Oct, 2017 | News

Members of the Brazilian Catholic community, including more than 100 young members, gathered in the Church of Our Lady of the Angels, in Dublin, on Sunday 15 October, to celebrate a Mass for the feast of Our Lady of Aparecida, the National Feast Day of Brazil.  Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland, celebrated the Mass on the day, which marked the 300th anniversary of the finding of the miraculous statue now celebrated as Our Lady of Aparecida.

In his homily, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin welcomed the members of the Brazilian community, saying, ‘I am particularly happy to celebrate with the Brazilian Catholic community in Dublin the Feast of Our Lady of Aparecida and the 300th anniversary of the finding of the miraculous statue.  I greet the Ambassador of Brazil and each one of you members of the Brazilian Catholic community on this special day for all Brazilians.

‘The Feast of Our Lady of Aparecida is the National Feast of Brazil but it is also of great significance for the whole Church.  The Shrine of Aparecida is the largest Marian Shrine in the World.  In the past years, the name of Aparecida has become associated with the Conference of the Latin American Bishops of 2013 and the great movement of renewal of the Church right across Latin America.  As Cardinal Bergoglio, Pope Francis played a vital role in that event.  If we want to understand the Pope’s desire for renewal in the Church, we must learn more about that Aparecida event and its concept of the permanent mission of renewal in the Church.’

Archbishop Martin continued, ‘Ireland has much to learn from the Church in Brazil.  Yes, in the past Irish priests and religious went to Brazil as missionaries to evangelise.  Today, we have much to learn from the Church in Brazil.  You as members of the Brazilian Catholic community have your special contribution to bring to the Church here in Ireland.

‘Our Mass this afternoon is a reflection of the place of young people in the Brazilian Church.  Very rarely in Ireland today would one see such a gathering of young people who come to profess and share their faith as we see here today.  Very rarely in Ireland today would one see such a youthful and enthusiastic faith as you show.’

Archbishop Martin said, ‘What has the Irish Church to learn from you?  It is not enough to attribute the decline in the numbers of young people who feel a bond with the Church to the growth in secularisation that is evident in most western countries.  It is also an indication of a failure of the Catholic Church in Ireland to win the hearts of young people.  The Catholic Church in Ireland lived under the impression that a Church that was strong in numbers and in social influence was really a Church that was strong.

He continued, ‘Our Gospel reading is about Jesus’ concern for us when we find ourselves inadequate and when we fail.  Jesus miracle prevents the host of the wedding from public embarrassment. As in all the Gospel representations of the mercy of Jesus, Jesus’ response is never minimalist.  The mercy of Jesus goes way beyond human estimation to the point of bordering on extravagance.  The six water jars would have contained about 600 litres of wine that would have sent the guests to hospital with intoxication.  However, the sign is that Jesus is always merciful in ways that seem extravagant to the rationality and the narrowness of our thoughts.  The extravagant generosity of Jesus is something that encourages us in our failures and compromises.

‘We have to ask if the Church as we know it really reflects that extravagant generosity of mercy that surpasses all human measurement and rejects judgementalism and small mindedness.  Faith in Jesus is faith that is open to the future and never a faith of fearfulness.  Judgementalism and small mindedness are in fact always signs of lack of faith and a lack of trust in the power of God’s generosity.’

He went on to say, ‘Speaking to young people of Brazil gathered in Aparecida some weeks ago, Pope Francis noted: “amid the uncertainties and insecurities of each day, amid the precariousness that situations of injustice create around you, be sure that Mary is a sign of hope who will encourage you with great missionary zeal. She knows the challenges with which you live. With her maternal attention and companionship, you will realize that you are not alone”.

Archbishop Martin concluded, ‘The fishermen who three hundred years ago after fishing without great results, launched their nets again were surprised to find an image of Our Lady covered in mud.

‘Pope Francis appealed to Brazilian young people to ask Our Lady of Aparecida “to transform the ‘nets’ of your life – networks of friends, social networks, material and virtual networks, realities that are often divided – into something more meaningful: a community”.

‘Pope Francis called for the building of mission communities.  He called them mission communities “on the move”, bringing the newness of the Gospel into society as the light and leaven of a more just and fraternal society.

‘We need such communities of young people to renew the Church.  I thank all those who work within the Brazilian Roman Catholic community in Dublin for the work they do and I pray that the mission communities among Irish young people will be strengthen and encouraged by your example.’

The full text of Archbishop Diarmuid Martin’s homily can be found on



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