Irish Laudato Si’ Animators to host local encounters

29 May, 2024 | Church, News, Pope, World

During the month of June, Local Encounters hosted by the Irish Laudato Si’ Animators will be held across the country.  Laudato Si’ Animators are a global community of prayer and action, who animate their local parishes and communities to engage in ecological spirituality, sustainable lifestyles and advocacy for climate and ecological justice.

The purpose of these Encounters is to foster a stronger sense of community among members across the country and to engage with the spirituality and action outlined in Pope Francis’  2015 Encyclical Letter, Laudato Si’.  The Encyclical Laudato si’ (Praise be to you) is developed around the concept of integral ecology, as a paradigm able to articulate the fundamental relationships of the person: with God, with one’s self, with other human beings and with creation.

Looking forward to these encounters, Laura Madrigal-Estebas, Laudato Sí’ Officer said, “We would love to see as many Animators from the Laudato Si’ Movement as possible attending these encounters.  However, these encounters are also open to anyone involved in Care for Creation within the Church, or those interested in getting involved.  We want to hear about your group, your involvement in spirituality and action, and grow together as a wider community committed to preserving Creation, rooted in a Christian spirituality of Creation.”

The encounters will feature a blend of presentations, reflection, discussion, and prayer, along with opportunities for informal interaction.  These meetings will focus on the mission and values of the Laudato Si’ Movement; what is involved in becoming an eco-parish, as well as exploring ways of bringing the message of Laudato Si’ to our spiritual, day-to-day and political dimensions of life.  The meetings will also delve into why Christians should care for Creation, how they can actively do so, and what steps can be taken together as a community to move forward, forming strong networks along the way.

The dates and locations for these encounters are as follows:

  • Connaught – Trócaire Office, Galway – Friday 14 June, 2.30pm – 6.30pm
  • Ulster – Trócaire Office, Belfast – Saturday 15 June, 10.30pm – 2.30pm
  • Leinster – An Taoiseach Organic Farm & Ecology Centre, Wicklow – Friday 21 June, 10.00am – 3.30pm
  • Munster – Kinsale Carmelite Friary – Saturday 22 June, 11.00am – 3.00pm

The Laudato Si’ team would like to invite everyone interested in joining these meetings to register for one or more encounters by filling in this form.

For more information, please email Laura Madrigal, at: [email protected], or [email protected].



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