A special Mass to remember victims of road traffic accidents will be held at 12 noon on Sunday 18 November in the Knock Shrine Basilica. As part of ‘World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims’, this Mass will be offered for those who have lost their lives or have been injured as a result of road traffic collisions.
Bishop Fintan Monahan, Bishop of Killaloe, recently issued a statement on road safety ahead of the ‘Blessing of the Roads’ ceremony last October bank holiday weekend.
The Bishop said: “All human life is both sacred and fragile. Alarmingly, for 2018 to date, 120 people have died on our roads. The largest cohort of deaths relate to drivers at 52, followed by pedestrians at 32, then passengers at 18, motorcyclists at 11 and pedal cyclists at 7. This loss of life is avoidable.”
Bishop Monahan recommended the following dedicated prayers for motorists which can be said before driving:
17th century paidir as Gaeilge
In ainm an Athar le bua,
In ainm an Mhic a d’fhulaing an phian,
In ainm an Spiorad Naoimh le neart,
Muire is a Mac linn inár dtriall. Áiméan!
A contemporary prayer in the English language
Holy Mother, hear our prayer,
Keep us in your loving care,
Whatever the perils of the way,
Let us not add to them this day.
So to our caution and attention,
We add a prayer for your protection,
To beg God’s blessing on this car,
To travel safely near and far.