Monsignor Liam Kelly elected diocesan administrator of Kilmore

3 Jan, 2019 | News

Monsignor Liam Kelly has been elected diocesan administrator of the Diocese of Kilmore. Msgr Kelly, formerly the vicar general and parish priest of Killsherdany and Drung, Co. Cavan, said he was honoured to accept his new role, and would endeavour to serve the diocese until a new bishop is appointed.

Monsignor Kelly’s appointment follows the acceptance by Pope Francis of the retirement of Bishop Leo O’Reilly as Bishop of Kilmore.

The College of Consultors of the Diocese of Kilmore met on 2 January in Cavan to elect Monsignor Kelly.

Speaking after the Consultors meeting, Monsignor Kelly said: “It has been a privilege for me to have worked with Bishop Leo, to have learned from his example of generous service, and to have benefited from his great kindness and support. I wish him happiness in his retirement and pray that he will enjoy good health and every blessing in the years ahead.”

Msgr Kelly thanked the College of Consultors for their support and good wishes, and asked for the prayers and support of the priests and people of the diocese in the time ahead.

He takes up his responsibilities immediately. As diocesan administrator has responsibility for administering the day-to-day affairs of the diocese until a new bishop is appointed by Pope Francis. He will attend the quarterly meetings of the Irish Bishops’ Conference in Maynooth.



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