“No better time than now to re-energize, to renew, to revisit our understanding of family.” – Bishop Denis Nulty

11 Apr, 2017 | News

Bishop Denis Nulty began the annual Chrism Mass in the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin by sharing a a countdown to the beginning of the World Meeting of Families 2018. Speaking in the Cathedral of the Assumption, Carlow, on Monday 10 April, Bishop Nulty said, “In 496 days time we will gather, hopefully in the company of Pope Francis, for the World Meeting of Families in Dublin. This is an international gathering, which happens every three years, centred on strengthening our understanding and appreciation of family. In 97 days time we will travel on our first ever Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes – we will journey as one Diocesan family.”

Bishop Nulty said that the Chrism Mass is a gathering of the family of the diocese and that “we have all come home, as is now traditional, on this Monday of Holy Week to renew priestly promises; to replenish sacramental oil stocks and to rejuvenate our Diocesan family.”

Bishop Nulty continued by welcoming the large gathering of priests and people from the 56 parishes in the diocese. He also extended a special welcome to Bishop Jim Moriarty, the retired Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin.

Bishop Nulty went on to say, “The word Chrism comes from the root word for Christ, meaning “the anointed one”. This evening’s Chrism Mass takes its name from the consecration of the Chrism Oil later in the liturgy – Oil that will be used during the next twelve months in every parish of the diocese as the cycle of a new sacramental year turns.

Renewal of priestly promises

“Priests renew their priestly promises in the presence of me, their Bishop, you their parishioners, family and friends. These are sacred moments; this is a sacred evening; now is a sacred time. We are here to support one another and to pray for one another … as we gather as a family we become acutely aware that family isn’t always what it’s meant to be, we let each other down and most of all we let Christ, the anointed one, down.”

World Meeting of Families 2018

Speaking about the recent letter from Pope Francis on the World Meeting of Families 2018, Bishop Nulty said, “I loved the vision given to us by Pope Francis in his letter affirming the World Meeting of Families in Dublin, which he issued only last week, when he said: “I dream of an outbound Church, not a self-referential one, a Church that does not pass far from man’s wounds, a merciful Church that proclaims the heart of the revelation of God as Love, which is Mercy”. His wish is that the Church would be missionary, that the Church would move beyond its comfort zones, that the Church would be a place of dialogue and encounter. Last week the preliminary results from Census 2016 were released, suggesting 78% of our population classify themselves as Roman Catholic; while the media may focus on percentage trends, we who are so immersed in the life of our parishes, must all agree much remains to be done in reaching out to that 78% – how richer our Church and faith will be for it in the future.”

Bishop Nulty went on to say, “At the time of the Eucharistic Congress, some wondered was it a good time to host the Congress in the aftermath of the scandals that rocked our Church; I hear people ask today is it a good time to be the host country for the World Meeting of Families when so many of our reference points around faith and family are shifting. I return to the strength conveyed in the words of the prophet Isaiah tonight: “the spirit of the Lord has been given to me, for the Lord has anointed me. He has sent me to bring good news to the poor, to bind up hearts that are broken”. There is no better time than now to re-energize, to renew, to revisit our understanding of family. Luke’s gospel ends: “this text is being fulfilled today even as you listen”. It is the work of today, the mandate of the present, the mission of now.”

Radical reappraisal of parish 

Bishop Nulty said that being missionary is the mandate now for all of us priests and people. He said, “It’s not a task for some priests or some people, but for all of us. As I write this I am acutely aware of the pressure points and strains that exist in a very real way in some parishes where the age profile of the priesthood continues to rise, and where sometimes even to organize relief cover is next to impossible. Obviously we need a radical reappraisal of what a parish might look like into the future, how it should be organized, coordinated, funded and ministered. I am aware discussions have happened on these matters in the past, on the clustering of parishes and the re-organisation of Masses but without today’s urgency.

“Later this month I intend to address this very important and immediate issue in a pastoral letter to all people and priests of the Diocese which envisages a process of structured meetings during May at local deanery level involving laity, permanent deacons and priests towards a larger gathering of all in June.”

Reflecting on his four year’s in the diocese of Kildare and Leighlin, Bishop Nulty said, “Next August I will have been with you as Bishop for four years. I have visited by now every corner of the Diocese, celebrating Confirmations, visiting Parishes, and commemorating jubilees. I enjoy meeting priests and people, schools and societies, associations and clubs that keep reminding me this Diocese is very much alive and energised around shared gospel values.”

Ordination of David Vard in June 2017 

Bishop Nulty said that the celebration and the occasion of the Chrism Mass makes him mindful of the steps needed to augment the vibrancy of the diocese into the future, “a future”, the bishop said, “where the oils blessed tonight will lavishly flow around the diocese over the coming year. Immediately the 3,632 whom I confirmed with last year’s oil come to mind. I think of the many who will be baptized in the coming year; I look forward with great joy to the priestly ordination of David Vard next June in Newbridge. Tonight I am also aware of the many sick and invalided who will travel with us to Lourdes and be anointed there and those who will receive the sacrament in our hospitals, nursing homes and churches.”

Parish and Family 

Bishop Nulty concluded by saying, “A parish is not just established by some canonical decree but by the celebration of the sacraments. Tonight I thank the many lay people who invest hugely in the fabric of parish life, our sacramental co-ordinators, our eight permanent deacons, their wives and families and our very committed priests and religious who live tonight’s words from the prophet Isaiah every day of their life.

“Family was important to Jesus, he returned home to Nazara. Family is important to us, let us renew our understanding as we prepare together to celebrate the World Meeting of Families in Dublin in 2018. Family is important to our Diocese as we prepare to travel to Lourdes next July and dream up other opportunities that bring us together from our individual parishes so that we may be renewed in our mandate to together reach out to the peripheries and the edges.”

At the end of the Chrism Mass, Bishop Nulty made a number of presentations. He presented Bishop Jim Moriarty with a message from Pope Francis on the occasion of the bishop’s 25th Episcopal Ordination Anniversary which occurred last September.  He also presented a special commemorative blessing to the priests and parishioners who opened Jubilee Doors of Mercy in the diocese during the recent Jubilee Year of Mercy. A framed copy of the Pope’s Apostolic Blessing was presented to Father John Cummins and the parishioners of the Cathedral Parish in Carlow; to Father Adrian Carbery and the parishioners of Kildare; to Father Pat Hennessy and the parishioners of Mountrath and Ballyfin; to Father Gerry Byrne and Father Eddie Aughney and the parishioners of Graignamanagh and Saint Mullins.

Bishop Nulty concluded by thanking all those involved in the preparations for this year’s Chrism Mass.



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