Father Edward McGee, National Director for the Permanent Diaconate in Ireland, has invited parishes around the country to avail of dedicated liturgical resources – including some Prayers of the Faithful – to be offered at Masses to celebrate the upcoming ‘Jubilee of Deacons’ in Rome. This particular Jubilee Year celebration takes place this weekend, 22 to 23 February.
A Jubilee Year is celebrated every twenty-five years by the worldwide Church during which Catholics come together to rejoice in the faith, and the theme for 2025 is Pilgrims of Hope. Over the Jubilee Year, we are encouraged to show mercy, forgive past wrongs, relieve debt, to spiritually rejuvenate, and be offered an opportunity to receive a plenary indulgence. In addition, many different groups throughout the Church: clergy, religious various ministries and lay apostolates, will celebrate specific jubilee occasions in Rome and at home throughout 2025.
Father McGee said, “In the context of this weekend of prayer for Deacons, dioceses and parishes have been furnished with a special prayer for Deacons; concise information explaining the Ministry of the Diaconate and on the role and responsibilities of a Deacon; and, suggested short Prayers of the Faithful that can be offered at Mass.”
The Down and Connor priest continued, “This weekend is also an opportunity for Dioceses, that already have introduced the permanent diaconate, to encourage those who are discerning a vocation to the permanent diaconate to make contact with their local Diocesan Director of Vocations / Diocesan Director for the Permanent Diaconate.”
To view the above mentioned liturgical resources, please click here.