A timely book, written by SMA missionary, Father Kevin O’Gorman for both the Euro 2016 championships and the Rio 2016 Olympics, has been published by Saint Paul’s Press. The book is entitled Playing & Praying and it contains a selection of short prayers for all of those involved in the sporting world – coaches, managers, the team and many more.
In his introduction to the prayer book, Father O’Gorman wrote that the prayers ‘promote the virtues necessary for engagement and excellence in sport, both on and off the field of play’.
Over the period of the Euro 2016 championships, the Society of African Missions published some of the prayers which Father Kevin has composed on their website – www.sma.ie – begining with a Prayer of the Groundsman/Groundswoman. Without their unseen work the matches could not go ahead on pristine surfaces.
The book is available from the publishers here.