Pope Francis leads as an example of Christ in creating space for encounter, deep listening and compassion – Dr Brady

10 Mar, 2023 | News, Pope, Synod

On 13 March 2023 the Universal Church celebrates a decade of the pastoral leadership of Pope Francis.

Commentating on this landmark date for his Petrine ministry, and reflecting on the Holy Father’s interest in the people of Ireland, and how he has opened doors for all through synodality, Dr Nicola Brady, chair of the Synodal Pathway of the Catholic Church in Ireland, said,

“Pope Francis’ vision of synodality is both a significant challenge and a great gift to the Church.  It is challenging us to think deeply about what it means to be followers of Christ in the fractured and wounded world of today.  Pope Francis demonstrates, through his leadership, how we can follow the example of Christ in creating space for encounter, deep listening and compassion with particular attention to those who are most vulnerable and marginalised.”

Dr Brady continued, “Through this synodal process we are already seeing new spaces for encounter developing at all levels of Church life – from listening sessions in local parishes to the first European Synodal Assembly in Prague last February – and relationships are being formed, deepened and renewed as a result, sending a powerful message of hope.”



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