Pope Francis: Politics must serve peace

8 Nov, 2018 | News

The theme of Pope Francis’ Message for the 52nd World Day of Peace, marked on 1 January 2019, have been revealed in a note and a comment published by the Holy See Press Office.

The Holy See Press Office statement said Pope Francis’ Message for the coming World Day of Peace highlights the need for politics to be at the service of peace: “Political responsibility belongs to every citizen, and in particular to those who have been given the mandate to protect and govern”.

The Press Office note continues pointing out that “this mission consists in safeguarding the law and encouraging dialogue between all actors of society, between generations, and between cultures”.

The first condition for trust, it says, is respect for the given word. It adds that “political commitment – which is one of the highest expressions of charity – implies concern for the future of life and of the planet, of the youngest and of the smallest, in their thirst for fulfillment”.

The full text of the 2019 message will be available for download later this year.


Source: Vatican News


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