Pope Francis sends message of support for Day for Life

12 Jun, 2017 | News

Pope Francis has shared a message with those organising this year’s Day for Life celebration.

The message from Pope Francis was communicated via the new Apostolic Nuncio to Great Britain, Archbishop Edward Adams. The message said:

“Pope Francis invokes the protection of Our Lady, and entrusts to her, the Mother of the Living, the cause of life.  He begs her intercession that those who believe in her Son may continue to bear witness to life and, together with all people of good will, contribute to a culture of truth and love.”

The Holy Father also gave assurance of his prayers and imparted his apostolic blessing to the organisers and participants of the Day for Life. 

Bishop Kevin Doran who represents the Irish Bishops on the Day for Life working group has welcomed the message from Pope Francis. He said, “I look forward to the celebration by the Irish Church next October of this important day dedicated to raising awareness about the meaning and value of every human life at every stage from its origins to its natural end.”

Day for Life is a joint project of the three Bishops’ Conferences of Ireland, Scotland, and England & Wales. It is celebrated on Sunday 18 June in Scotland and England & Wales. Day for Life will be celebrated in Ireland on Sunday 1 October.

Resources will be available in early autumn on catholicbishops.ie.




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