Rosary and Angelus to be live streamed daily for Holy Week from Holy House of Loreto in Italy

7 Apr, 2020 | News

From Monday 6 April every day at noon (11am local time), Archbishop Fabio Dal Cin will preside over the recitation of the Rosary and the Angelus prayer from the Marian Shrine of Loreto on the East Coast of Italy.

The shrine is one of the most popular pilgrimage destinations in Italy. This is the house where our Blessed Mother was conceived and born, grew up, and where the angel Gabriel asked her to become the Mother of God. This is also believed to be the house where the Holy Family lived and where Jesus grew up and worked.

The basilica was erected under Pope Sixtus V. It contains many great works of art and is worthy of a visit itself; however, the main attraction, naturally is the Holy House which is encased in marble in the center of the basilica.

Archbishop Dal Cin, the Pontifical Delegate for the Shrine, said: “The Holy House of Loreto invites us to invoke Mary, so as not to lose hope in the God of life. You can also join us at  9.00pm every evening for the recitation of the Rosary and the Supplication to Our Lady of Loreto to free us from evil and from the pandemic.”

The Holy House of Loreto, unlike many other shrines, is under the direct authority and protection of the Pope. In October 2019 Pope Francis added the feast of Our Lady of Loreto, commemorated on December 10, to the universal Roman calendar. He also proclaimed a Lauretan Jubilee: A Holy Year begining on 8 December 2019 and ending on 10 December 2020.


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