Sacred Heart Sisters celebrate 150th anniversary at Clare Priory in Suffolk

28 Mar, 2016 | News

Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary gathered earlier this month on 11 March at the Clare priory in Suffolk to celebrate the founding of their original congregation 150 years ago in Paris and to explore ways of working more closely together, following decades of separation caused initially by the Franco-Prussian war. The fifteen sisters present highlighted the reach of the congregation with members travelling from Austria, Germany, Zambia, France, Scotland, Poland, England and Ireland, speaking a total of eight languages.

The Congregation of the Sacred Hearts is a worldwide religious order whose mission is to contemplate, live and proclaim God’s love in the world. There are over 1500 in the Congregation made up priests, brothers, sisters and lay associate members in over 30 countries throughout the world. Irish communities of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary can be found in Dublin, Belfast, Cork, Roscrea and Mayo.




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