Archbishop Eamon Martin, the Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland, has issued a statement on the death of former Taoiseach Mr Liam Cosgrave RIP. Archbishop Eamon said, “As with many people across the country, I was saddened last evening to hear of the death of the former Taoiseach Mr Liam Cosgrave.
“Following in the political footsteps of his beloved father, Liam Cosgrave was admired by people the length and breadth of Ireland as a wise, modest and kind man of great integrity. During uncertain times in our history Liam Cosgrave did not shirk from making important and challenging decisions which demanded decisive political, economic and moral leadership.
“A man of strong faith, Liam Cosgrave placed great value on the primacy of conscience in his political career and in his private life. One of the high points of his life was his attendance at the 1975 canonisation in Rome of the martyred Saint Oliver Plunkett during which he read one of the readings at the Mass.
“At this sad time for Mr Cosgrave’s family, friends and colleagues in politics, I pray for all those who mourn him and for the happy repose of his soul.
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