‘Our Baptism Calls us to Serve in New Ways’ – Pastoral Letter from Bishop Larry Duffy
This weekend, the Bishop of Clogher, Bishop Larry Duffy, will publish a Pastoral Letter.
This weekend, the Bishop of Clogher, Bishop Larry Duffy, will publish a Pastoral Letter.
Jul 21, 2023
An Ecumenical Service for Pentecost Sunday in Clogher Diocese will take place at the former Church of Ireland church and ancient round tower at Inniskeen.
May 26, 2023
"For me, this gesture on the part of the Holy Father is an unexpected one and a humbling one.I take it as a sign of the esteem in which Lough Derg is held by the Holy See." - Father Larry Flynn, Prior, Lough Derg
Jan 2, 2020
For the Cry of the Earth - Pope's Prayer Intention - September 2024
'Laudate Deum' - an urgent call to action by Pope Francis
The late Archbishop Noël Treanor on the 2017 Ad Limina visit of the Irish Bishops
Next steps on the Irish Synodal Pathway
The Synod on Synodality - a work in progress
Supporting Christians in the Holy Land - ACN
"It is objectively intolerable ..." Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem on situation in Gaza
'What attracted me to Trócaire as a young man ...' - Justin Kilcullen RIP