Televising Venerable Matt Talbot’s centenary events

3 Dec, 2024 | Bishops, Church, News

Ireland’s complicated relationship with alcohol is widely known.  Latest findings from the National Research Board tell us that alcohol use in Ireland is declining but that its related harms persist and, on average, four people every day die in Ireland from alcohol use.  Alcohol-related hospitalisations also remain high.

According to Maynooth-based Darren Butler (pictured), the national co-ordinator of the Bishops’ Alcohol and Drugs Initiative, “many of us know a friend or family member who has struggled with alcohol.  What we may not know is that the struggle to find help when drinking becomes harmful.  Alcohol for many is a hidden harm.  A lot of Irish family life can be disrupted if a family member misuses alcohol.  Tension in the home, fear and financial difficulties, are just some of the effects that alcohol can have on our families.

“Apart from the alcohol support service, many people – not just in Ireland but across the world – also pray for the intercession of Venerable Matt Talbot (2 May 1856 – 7 June 1925), who was born in the inner city of Dublin and had a well-publicised addiction with alcohol.  To this day Matt Talbot is considered a patron of those struggling with alcoholism.”

Matt Talbot overcame his addiction through a profound religious conversion and went on to live a reformed life of heroic devoutness.  He has become an inspiration to people all around the world with addictions of various types, but most of all for those who suffer from alcoholism.  Matt Talbot’s shrine is located in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, on Sean McDermott Street, Dublin, and is often a meeting place for many people grappling with alcoholism or drug addiction, who, over the past one hundred years since his death, have prayed at his tomb.

The one hundreth anniversary since Matt Talbot’s death will be marked in June 2025 with the ‘Centenary for the Venerable Matt Talbot Weekend Services and a Cathedral visit.’  The visit of Matt Talbot’s relics around Ireland has been organised and supported by the Knights of Columbanus.

Mr Butler concluded, “The Irish Bishops’ Drugs Initiative is very happy to support the centenary services and have been invited to facilitate a workshop entitled, The Church’s Role in Addiction and Recovery, on 8 June next, in Our Lady of Lourdes Church.  The weekend will have many events and services and, with Matt Talbot’s global appeal, all services will be televised throughout America and other countries worldwide.”

For more information on treating addiction please see:



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