The Big April Ask: Pope Francis seeks the views of young Irish Catholics

5 Apr, 2017 | News

Pope Francis has proposed that the next Synod of Bishops will focus on “Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment”. Addressing young people directly last January, Pope Francis said, “I am pleased to announce that in October 2018 a Synod of Bishops will take place to treat the topic: “Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment”. I wanted you to be the centre of attention, because you are in my heart. Today, the Preparatory Document is being presented, a document which I am also entrusting to you as your “compass” on this synodal journey.”

Part of this preparatory document is a questionnaire in which Pope Francis seeks the views of young people. The questionnaire is divided into three parts. The first relates to the gathering of statistical data. The second is composed of questions. The novelty is constituted by the fact that, along with the general questions proposed to everyone indiscriminately (fifteen in number), there are three specific questions for each geographical area, to which a response is requested only for those who belong to the specified continent. The third part relates to the sharing of practices, according to methods that are clearly expressed. The aim of this third part, also a novelty, is to enrich all the Church by bringing awareness of experiences, often of great interest, that take place in the different regions of the world, so that they may be of help to all”.

The Big April Ask is a national survey prepared by youth leaders throughout Ireland which aims to promote the questionnaire prepared by the Vatican so as young Irish Catholics can share their views with Pope Francis ahead of the 2018 synod.

The survey is hosted on Survey Monkey and is ideal for students in school, third level students and any young person aged 16-30. It takes approximately two minutes to complete.

Click below to access the survey:

For more see the Pope’s letter to young people of 13 January 2017 and the Preparatory Document for the 15th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. 



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