Trócaire to host Lenten workshops on the climate crisis

5 Mar, 2025 | Bishops, News, Uncategorized

The holy season of Lent is a significant time for reflection and action at Trócaire, the overseas development agency of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference.
For Lent this year, which began on Ash Wednesday, 5 March, the charity is focusing on the impact of the global climate crisis on the most marginalised.  By way of its annual ‘Trócaire Box’, for Lent 2025, Trócaire shares the story of Llma, Julio, and their family (pictured above), from Guatemala, and who have been pushed deeper into poverty due to the effects of climate change.

To help raise awareness amongst the faithful across the island of Ireland, Trócaire has launched its Church resources for this Lent, designed to support individuals and our parishes during this season of prayer, penance and charity-giving.  Two key resources have been prepared and are now available on Tró a comprehensive parish resource, and a four-session workshop titled ‘Listening to Nature.’

The parish resource provides a range of tools to assist us during Lent.  It includes homily notes, prayers of the faithful, and newsletter inserts.  This year’s resources also offer ideas for celebrating the ongoing Jubilee Year of Hope, and the tenth anniversary of Laudato Si’, the best selling encyclical letter by Pope Francis on care for creation and our common home.

One example of a prayer of the faithful that can be prayed at Mass during Lent, and which is featured as part of this year’s resources, reads: “In this Jubilee Year of Hope, let us bring hope and action to climate justice. May our God, who can move mountains, move all our hearts and minds this Lent to take action for climate justice.”

The second resource, ‘Listening to Nature,’ invites participants to reconnect with nature through four sessions.  The resource encourages deeper listening to God’s creation, discovering its messages, and reflecting on both its beauty and its cries.  Drawing inspiration from Laudato Si’ and the Synodal Process, it uses the four stages of Prayer, Listening, Consultation, and Discernment.You can download the ‘Listening to Nature’ resource here.

In addition, to mark this tenth anniversary of Laudato Si’, the Lenten resource also features 52 quotes, one for each week of the year, to inspire reflection and action on climate issues.  The Parish pack can be downloaded here.

Trócaire’s online workshops
To support this initiative, Trócaire will host online workshops over four evenings, beginning on 19 March, at 7:30 pm.  Registration for the workshops can be completed here.

Trócaire’s ‘Church Team’ is available to assist with any queries – especially throughout Lent.  For further support, please contact Anna Keegan, Trócaire Church Officer, at [email protected]



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